Candidates’ Section

The IFPS has decided to create a structure dedicated to the coordination and work of the candidates of it’s institutions.
Fernanda Clavijo ( from the Mexican Society was chosen amongst the candidates as the chairperson of the Candidates’ Section.
Please click to download the attached file, wherein Fernanda explaines the purposees and goals of that new sub-Organisation:

Objectives of the Candidates Section

  • To seek to integrate through an international network all candidates and psychoanalysts in training of IFPS to generate active participation, and to seek spaces for dissemination of research and publications.
  • To achieve a greater link with the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies through representatives of candidates and psychoanalysts in training of each member Society.
  • To give projection to the work done by candidates and psychoanalysts in training, seeking to achieve an international platform where theoretical-clinical interests can be expressed, create work models in each Institution and find a space for the expression of doubts and concerns that can be directed to the IFPS Direction structures.
  • Promote the realization of theoretical and clinical exchanges through different online devices and/or face-to-face meetings.
  • Encourage the active participation of candidates and psychoanalysts in training through tables dedicated to this objective during the following International Forums.


Therefore, it is sought that candidates and psychoanalysts of all member Societies can make different proposals that develop this initiative and request the support of the directors of each of the Member Societies of the International Federation to disseminate these intentions and begin to contact the elected representatives of each Institution to start the dialogue with them and develop these spaces for communication and exchange.