Statutes of IFPS

As decided by the Assembly of Delegates in Mexico City, October 9th, 2012

The International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS) is the successor organization of the International Study Group of Psychoanalytic Societies which was founded in Amsterdam, July 30th, 1962. The founding societies had been:

▪    Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft e.V, gegründet 1910

▪    Sociedad Psicoanalítica Mexicana, A.C.

▪    Wiener Arbeitskreis für Tiefenpsychologie

▪    William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society

They were guided by the objective of intensifying the scientific and personal contacts and the exchange of views among the psychoanalytic societies by promoting a free discussion of psychoanalytic theory and practice, by joint publications and by sharing experience concerning questions of professional training.

The IFPS is committed to the concept of pluralism in psychoanalytic theory and practice and to the interdisciplinary exchange in matters of micro- and macro-social interest. Complete organizational and scientific autonomy and equal standing of all member societies are essential preconditions the act of federation. For the realization of these aims the signatory societies have developed the following statutes.

  1. The organization shall bear the designation International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS). The headquarters (seat) of the federation shall be the place of residence of the Secretary General in office.
  2. It consists of:
    • Full Member Societie
    • Affiliated Member Societies
    • Study Groups
    • The Section of Individual Members
    • The Candidates’ Group
  1. The member societies (§ 1, II) (1) are committed to the exchange of scientific and academic goals and experiences by means of free discussion of theory, practice and training in psychoanalysis and to the promotion of scientific and personal contacts between psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic organizations. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization is organized for one more of the following purposes: religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or education purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition (but only if no part of on its activities involve the provision of athletic facilities or equipment), or for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals, as specified in section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
  2. The IFPS pursues its tasks without striving for any material profit.
  3. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the organization, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for the services rendered to or for the organization) and no member, trustee, officer of the organization, or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets on dissolution of the organization.
  4. No substantial part of the activities of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by Internal Revenue Code section 501(h) or participating in or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

The Federation fulfills its tasks by:

  1. holding International Fora of Psychoanalysis at regular intervals (two to four years)
  2. holding other scientific meetings between the Fora
  3. joint publications of the scientific findings submitted by the member societies
  4. supporting the dissemination of the body of thought within the member societies´ spheres of Influence
  5. scientific exchanges and contacts with persons and organizations from other scientific disciplines and from areas of human concern
  6. promoting psychoanalytic training and practice
  1. The minimum requirements stipulated by the Federation with regard to the fundamental principles of the member societies shall be based on the psychoanalytic theory and therapy as initiated by Sigmund Freud and advanced by others, i.e. on the recognition and understanding of unconscious mental processes and the therapeutic use of the principles of transference and resistance.
  2. The minimum requirements with regard to the level of training stipulated by the Federation for the Member Societies are as follows:
    • After completion of a full course of studies in medicine or psychology (or an equivalent graduate course of studies), a minimum of three additional years of training in psychoanalysis and its advancements and development is required.
    • The course of training must be accompanied by a training analysis, comprising not less than 300 individual sessions. As a rule, the frequency will be 3 sessions per week, lasting not less than 45 minutes.
    • The course of training must consist of a curriculum of not less than three years and 400 hours of theoretical and clinical instruction (lectures, seminars, colloquiums etc.)
    • The course of training must contain a practical part consisting of the psychoanalytic treatment of single patients under supervision, the minimum requirement being a total of not less than 600 supervised psychoanalytic sessions at a frequency, as a rule, of three sessions per week. Supervised sessions must take place over a period of at least two different supervisors, and must include the therapy of at least one patient with minimum 200 psychoanalytic hours.
    • The course of training must be concluded by an evaluation.
  3. A faculty (institute) of psychoanalytic training shall consist of not less than 6 training analysts, 6 supervising analysts and faculty members. To be considered a training analyst, an analyst must have been in active practice for at least 5 years following graduation from a recognized training institution.
  1. The minimum requirements stipulated by the Federation with regard to the fundamental principles of the member societies shall be based on the psychoanalytic theory and therapy as initiated by Sigmund Freud and advanced by others, i.e. on the recognition and understanding of unconscious mental processes and the therapeutic use of the principles of transference and resistance.
  2. The minimum requirements with regard to the level of training stipulated by the Federation for the Member Societies are as follows:
    • After completion of a full course of studies in medicine or psychology (or an equivalent graduate course of studies), a minimum of three additional years of training in psychoanalysis and its advancements and development is required.
    • The course of training must be accompanied by a training analysis, comprising not less than 300 individual sessions. As a rule, the frequency will be 3 sessions per week, lasting not less than 45 minutes.
    • The course of training must consist of a curriculum of not less than three years and 400 hours of theoretical and clinical instruction (lectures, seminars, colloquiums etc.)
    • The course of training must contain a practical part consisting of the psychoanalytic treatment of single patients under supervision, the minimum requirement being a total of not less than 600 supervised psychoanalytic sessions at a frequency, as a rule, of three sessions per week. Supervised sessions must take place over a period of at least two different supervisors, and must include the therapy of at least one patient with minimum 200 psychoanalytic hours.
    • The course of training must be concluded by an evaluation.
  3. A faculty (institute) of psychoanalytic training shall consist of not less than 6 training analysts, 6 supervising analysts and faculty members. To be considered a training analyst, an analyst must have been in active practice for at least 5 years following graduation from a recognized training institution.
  1. For the purposes of admission to the Federation an application for membership must be submitted to the Secretary General with the following enclosures:
    • The operative statutes of the organization
    • A complete and precise list of members
    • A report covering the scientific and academic activities of the society for the 6 years prior to the application, which should provide an insight into the scope of the organization
  2. The Executive Committee shall examine the application for membership and decide whether the applicant meets the requirements of the Federation (§ 5).
  3. The Executive Committee shall appoint two of its members to visit the society applying for membership, in order to inspect the work the organization is doing. At least one of these two visiting members must not reside in the country of the applying society. The two visiting members cannot be residents of the same country. The visiting members shall submit written reports to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the freedom to choose EC Members or delegates who are not members of the Executive Committee for this assignment.
  4. Thereupon the Executive Committee shall, or shall not recommend to the Assembly of Delegates that membership in the Federation is granted.
  5. The Assembly of delegates shall make the final decision concerning the admission of an applicant to the Federation.

Membership may cease as a result of the dissolution of the Federation (§ 26), of voluntary withdrawal from membership (§ 8) and expulsion (§ 9).

  1. The Secretary General must be notified by registered letter of the voluntary withdrawal of a member society.
  2. In to withdraw in good standing, all membership obligations for the current year must be fulfilled prior to the withdrawal.
  3. Three months after fulfillment of the obligations the withdrawal will become finally effective.
  1. Following a formal proposal by a member of either the Executive Committee or the Assembly of Delegates, the Assembly of Delegates can vote to expel a member society, if that society consistently acts against the principles of the Federation, or no longer complies with the requirements in the Federation. Before voting on expulsion, the Assembly of Delegates must receive a fully comprehensive report from the Executive Committee.
  2. Expulsion because of noncompliance with contributory obligations becomes effective according to the following procedure:
    •   If the member society does not fulfill its financial commitments in accordance with the provisions of § 11, it will be sent two reminders by the Secretary General, one of these reminders being by registered letter.
    •    If payment of annual dues has not been effected by the end of the second quarterly period of the current year, membership and the right to vote of that society shall be suspended in all organs.
    •    If payment has not been effected by the end of the second year, expulsion of that member society from IFPS shall become effective as of that date.
  1. All member societies and the members thereof bear the responsibility of complying in their conduct within and outside the federation with the latter´s reputation. It is the member´s duty to promote to the best of their ability the federation´s objectives as per § 2 hereof.
  2. Within the Federation all member societies are entitled to unimpeded information from other organs of the Federation.
  3. It is the responsibility of the Secretary General of the Federation to answer any questions a president or delegate of a member society may have.
  4. Each member society is required to provide answers to any questions the Federation may have.
  5. It is the duty of all member societies to forward all important information to the Federation. The Federation must be informed without delay of any fundamental or significant changes in the member society (e.g. alterations of the statutes).
  1. Each member society is required to make annual payment of a membership fee to the Federation.
  2. This amount will be determined by the Assembly of Delegates.
  3.  The membership fee is payable in the first quarterly period of year, otherwise proceedings pursuant to § 9 se. II shall be initiated.
  1. The following societies may become Affiliated Member Societies of the IFPS:
    • Societies which have left the IFPS in good standing, but support the goals of the IFPS and want to continue having a certain connection to the IFPS
    • Psychoanalytic societies with an educational standard which is fully compatible with the IFPS standards, and upport the goals of the IFPS, but for different reasons do not want to apply for full IFPS membership
  2. Affiliated Member Societies will be approved by the Executive Committee. Only when they apply for full membership they will have to be approved by the Assembly of Delegates.
  3. Affiliated Member Societies pay a moderate annual fee for the IFPS administrative expenses. If they want to have the opportunity to have online access to the IFPS journal for all their members they have to pay an annual fee for that.
  4. Affiliated Member Societies have the right to have one observer at the AD meetings.
  1. The following societies may become Study Groups of the IFPS:
    • Psychoanalytic societies/study groups with a minimum of four members who are licensed or certificated according to § 5 II. The group must meet once a week for one and a half hours for a total 60 hours per year, minimum. The group discussion should include both theoretical and clinical issues in psychoanalysis. The discussions are to be based on weekly reading assignments from psychoanalytic literature. The group must have a convener, whose task is to set an agenda week by week, keep a log of attendance, keep a log of topic under discussion and required readings, and report yearly of proceeding to the IFPS Secretary General.
  2. Study Groups have the aim to bring their education up to an IFPS standard and apply for full membership in the future.
  3. They will be approved by the Executive Committee. Only when they apply for full membership they will have to be approved by the Assembly of Delegates.
  4. Study Groups pay annual fees. If they want to have free access to the IFPS journal online access, they have to pay for that.
  5. They have the right to have one observer at the AD meetings.
  1. The following individuals may become members of the Section of Individual Members:
    • Members of Affiliated IFPS Societies
    • Members of former IFPS societies which have been dissolved or fused with another psychoanalytic society
    • Members of societies which have no wish to join the IFPS but have an educational standard fully compatible to the IFPS standard
    • Psychoanalysts who for the time being do not belong to a psychoanalytic society, but who are educated and approved by a training institute which fulfils the IFPS standards
  2. The section holds a biannual assembly which elects the section’s chairperson and a deputy chairperson.
  3. The chairperson takes care of administrative affairs and takes part in the EC meetings with the right to talk, but not to vote.
  4. The section has two delegates to the AD.
  5. All individual members are eligible for all IFPS offices.
  6. Each member pays an annual fee including free access to the IFPS journal’s online version. The fee is set by the AD. One part goes to the central administrative objects of the IFPS, the other to the section for administrative expenses.
  7. Applicants to the membership in the section must send their application to the chairperson of the section who makes a recommendation about the application to the Secretary General. The SG, together with the EC, will decide upon it.
  8. The chairperson sends an updated list of the section’s members each year to the Secretary General and a report about the section’s activities.

The Organs of the Federation are:

  1. The Assembly of Delegates (AD)
  2. The Executive Committee (EC)
  3. The Secretary General (SG) and the Deputy Secretary General (DSG)
  4. Shall in no way be affected by sec. 1 – 3 above.
  1. The Assembly of Delegates is the supreme organ of the Federation. By resolution it settles all affairs of the Federation which according to these statutes are not to be regulated by other organs. It can forward suggestions to the member societies and give instructions to the Executive Committee as well as to the Secretary General.
  1. In particular the tasks of the Assembly of Delegates shall be as follows:
  • Election of the Executive Committee, of the Secretary General and of the Deputy Secretary General
  • Resolutions for conducting Fora, scientific meetings and business meetings
  • Acceptance of annual reports of the Executive Committee and of the Secretary General
  • Passing the resolution of the budget of the Federation and auditing the accounts
  • Assessment of membership fees (11)
  • Alteration of the Statutes
  • Dissolution of the Federation
  1. The Assembly of Delegates shall consist of the delegates of the Member Societies as per 4 sec. I and II and 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4 as well as of the Executive Committee and the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General.
  1. The Assembly of Delegates will attempt to meet at least once every two years. If possible, meetings of the Assembly of Delegates will be scheduled to coincide with an International Forum or another international activity organized by the Federation.
  1. The agenda for a meeting of the Assembly of Delegates shall be proposed at the very beginning of the meeting by the Secretary General, and must be approved by the Assembly.
  1. Constitution of the Assembly of Delegates
  • Each Full Member Society and the Section of Individual Members shall have two delegates in the Assembly of Delegates with the right to talk and vote.
  • Each Affiliated Member Society and each Study Group shall have one observer at the AD meetings. Observers have no right to vote.
  • The Candidates’ Group has one delegate to the AD.
  • Only regular members of a society/group may be considered for the purposes of the specified schedule.
  • The agenda for a meeting of the Assembly of Delegates shall be proposed at the very beginning of the meeting by the Secretary General and must be approved by the Assembly.
  1. Convocation of the Assembly of Delegates
  • The Assembly of Delegates shall be summoned by the Secretary General four months in advance.
  • The notification of an Assembly of Delegates must contain the following:
    • the preliminary agenda
    • all the motions up to then for deliberation by the Assembly of Delegates
    • the request for the submission of further motions for deliberation
  • The acceptance of corresponding motions for the Assembly of Delegates at issue can be limited to a term of 8 weeks before the date set for the Assembly.
  • The number and names of the participating delegates must be submitted to the Secretary General in good time and not later than 4 weeks before the Assembly date.
  1. Quorum and Voting
  • The Assembly of Delegates shall constitute a quorum, if not less than one-half of the Member Societies are represented. Where amendments to the statutes are concerned the Assembly of Delegates shall constitute a quorum of not less than two-thirds of the member societies are represented. If the number of member societies represented is a fraction below the number required for a quorum, the calculation shall be rounded off to the next highest figure.
  • The Assembly of Delegates will pass its resolutions by simple majority, i.e. only affirmative and negative votes counted, and abstentions shall not be counted.
  • A two-thirds majority shall be required for:
    • Amendments of the Statutes
    • The admission of an applicant for membership ( 6)
    • For the expulsion of a Member Society In these cases abstentions shall be counted as negative votes.
  • In case of a tie vote a new vote has to be held after a second deliberation has taken place if there is no change, this procedure shall be repeated one more time. If thereafter the vote is still tied, the matter shall be adjourned until the next Assembly of Delegates.
  1. The Secretary General or his/her Deputy shall have the chairmanship of the Assembly of Delegates.
  1. Motions for the following Assembly of Delegates can be submitted at any time to the Secretary General. Neither the Secretary General nor the Executive Committee are entitled to carry out a preliminary selection of the motions. Motions that have already been rejected by an Assembly of Delegates can also continue to be submitted for deliberation.
  1. At each Assembly of Delegates, minutes shall be taken and shall record the names of all delegates and the numerical proportions for all votes. The minutes must be forwarded to all delegates within three months after conclusion of the Assembly of Delegates.
  1. An extraordinary Assembly of Delegates can be called upon the Executive Committee´s decision within four months by the Secretary General.
  2. An extraordinary Assembly of Delegates can also be convened upon formal request to the Secretary General of not less than one-quarter of the regular delegates. If the number of delegates making such a request is a fraction below one-quarter of the total number of regular delegates, the calculation shall be rounded off to the highest figure.
  3. The extraordinary Assembly of Delegates shall constitute a quorum if not less than one-third of the member societies are represented. If the total number of member societies represented is a fraction below one-third of the total number of member societies, the calculation shall be rounded off to the next highest figure.
  4. Where amendments to the Statutes are concerned, the extraordinary Assembly of Delegates shall constitute a quorum if not less than one-half of the member societies are represented. If the number of the member societies represented is a fraction below one-half of the total number of member societies, the calculation shall be rounded off to the next highest figure.
    1. Delegates
      • Upon its admission to the Federation, the member society shall appoint its delegates.
      • A delegate may be substituted; this is effected by written notification to the Secretary General, and informing him of the new delegates name, at the earliest Possible moment.
      • Upon his withdrawal from the organization which he/she represents, a delegate shall lose his/her position as a delegate.
      • Each delegate is the authorized representative of his/her organization. As authorized representatives of their member society the delegates act as liaison and intermediary person between the IFPS and the respective member society.
      • A delegate is not a member of the Executive Committee by virtue of his/her office.
        The president of a member society is not a delegate by virtue of his/her office.
        During the Assembly of Delegates a delegate has franchise and eligibility and can participate in every vote.
      • A delegate can assume the votes of the other delegate of his/her organization only by written proxy. The ecretary General must receive a written notice in advance if possible, from the chief authority of the respective member society whenever a delegate is assuming votes in this way.
        No delegate can represent more than one member society, and no delegate can serve a proxy for delegate of another member society.
      • Each member society is entitled to send one delegate to the session of the Executive Committee as an observer. No later than four weeks before such a session of the Executive Committee the Secretary General must be informed of a delegate´s intention to attend the session.
    2. Observers
      • In addition to its delegates each member society may appoint two observers.
      • Observers shall not be entitled to vote.
  1. The task of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
    • Deciding on all questions which either do not come under the competence of the Secretary General or exceed this competence
    • Examining membership applications (§ 6) and making the corresponding recommendations to the Assembly of Delegates
    • Participating in expulsion proceedings (§ 9)
    • Editing the IFPS publications
    • Deciding the winner of the Werner Schwidder Award
    • Supervising and coordinating the planning and conducting of the FORUM in accordance with the IFPS guide lines
  2. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members: seven Members-at-Large, the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General.
    • The Deputy Secretary General is an active member of the Executive Committee.
    • The Members of the Executive Committee are elected by the Assembly of Delegates for a period of four years. The candidates for that office are nominated by the Assembly of Delegates.
    • No more than one member of any member society can serve on the Executive Committee at any time.
    • The Assembly of Delegates simultaneously elects two Alternate Members to assume duty in case a Member withdraws from the Executive Committee or is prevented from carrying out his functions for a period of more than six months.
    • In the event that an Assembly of Delegates cannot be convened within two years of the preceding Assembly of Delegates, members of the Executive Committee will retain their positions until the next Assembly of Delegates can be held.
    • During this term of office a Member of the Executive Committee cannot be disposed from office by his member society.
    • Not more than four Members of the Executive Committee shall be changed at any due election time.
  1. The Secretary General shall conduct the current business of the Federation.
  2. The Secretary General is elected by the Assembly of Delegates for a period of four years. He/she is the chairman of the Executive Committee. The Secretary General may be voted out of office at any time by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly of Delegates.
  3. The Secretary General shall be provided with necessary financial means to fulfill his/her obligations and duties.

Members of the Executive Committee do not receive salaries for their services or reimbursements for their expenses. In view of the commitments of time required by his/her duties, the Secretary General is reimbursed for travel and accommodations expenses incurred in the fulfilling his/her duties to the Federation.

  1. The Assembly of Delegates shall elect two auditors to hold office for two years; on the occasion of a Forum they shall inspect the accounts balance submitted by the Secretary General and the Executive Committee.
  2. The auditors shall present their audit report to the Assembly of Delegates. Copies will be distributed among the delegates.
  3. The Assembly of Delegates shall furthermore elect two substitute auditors who unable to do so.
  4. All auditors must be delegates; they shall, however, belong to different Societies.
  1. If necessary, the Executive Committee can establish ad hoc committees without need of an alteration of the Statutes.
  2. Such committees are dissolved upon completion of their appointed tasks.
  1. Fundamental disagreements among member societies may be reported to the Secretary General. The latter shall strive to achieve an amicable settlement of the disagreement and inform all delegates.
  2. If the disagreement cannot be resolved, the Secretary General shall submit the matter to the Executive Committee.
  3. The Executive Committee shall attempt to achieve settlement of the disagreement. If the matter is of particular importance to the Federation, it will submit the problem to a regular or extraordinary Assembly of Delegates after prior notification of the Secretary General.
  4. Any should have the right to bring the matter directly to the attention of the following regular or extraordinary Assembly of Delegates after prior notification of the Secretary General.
  1. All elections are by secret ballot. All votes by the Executive Committee or the Assembly of Delegates must, upon request by any Member of these organs, be conducted by secret ballot.
  2. At the Assembly of Delegates elections to the Organs of the IFPS shall be held in the following sequence:
  • Election of the Secretary General
  • Election of the Deputy Secretary General
  • Elections of other members and of alternate members of the Executive Committee
  • Election of the auditors and 2 alternate auditors
  1. The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary.General shall be elected by a majority of votes cast. Run-off votes shall be conducted until such a majority is achieved by one of the candidates. Members of the Executive Committee, alternate members of the Executive Committee, auditors and alternate auditors shall be elected by a simple majority.
  1. On the occasion of the International Fora of Psychoanalysis, the Federation is entitled to bestow the Werner Schwidder Award.
  2. The Werner Schwidder Award shall be bestowed in accordance with the grant provisions.
  1. At all FORA and scientific meetings of the Federation, the languages of the countries of all member societies shall be considered of equal standing. Simultaneous translations shall be provided to the extent possible.
  2. Whenever translation into other languages is not possible, English shall be the conference language at international meetings.
  3. The English language shall also be the language for the Federation´s correspondence.

The business year shall extend from July 1 to June 30.

  1. An alteration of the Statutes is only possible by resolution of the ordinary Assembly of Delegates at which at least 2/3 of the member societies are represented, or an extraordinary Assembly of Delegates at which at least half of the member societies are represented.
  2. For a resolution containing an alteration of the Statutes a two-thirds majority of the Delegates present shall be required. Abstentions shall be counted as negative votes.
  3. Motions altering the Statutes must be presented no later than four months before the Assembly of Delegates. The Secretary General must put the motion on the agenda and forward it to each delegate at the latest when the invitation and the agenda are sent.
  1. The dissolution of the Federation can be resolved only at an Assembly of Delegates where at least three-quarters of the member societies are represented. For the resolution a three-quarters majority of the delegates present shall be required.
  2. In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall after necessary expenses thereof be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under section 501 (c) (3) of the International Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.

(1) The term “member societies” in §§ 2 ff includes Full Member Societies, Affiliated Member Societies, Study Groups, the Section of Individual Members and the Candidates’ Group

(2) The following provisions (§ 4 to § 11) apply to Full Member Societies. They apply mutatis mutandis to Affiliated Member Societies, Study Groups and the Section for Individual Members for which the special conditions are defined in § 12

(3) The term “Member Societies” in §§ 13 ff includes Full Member Societies, Affiliated Member Societies, Study Groups, the Section of Individual Members and the Candidates’ Group unless specified otherwise